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Options Menu

= Exit Options = Use this menu item to exit options menu again

==== Screen Options - Screen related features =

= Music and Sound =

= Game Controls and Hardware =


      Wifi : use this feature to configure your wifi connection. It takes some seconds to establish all services like sftp, ssh, samba and so on. Everything is done for you.
      Disable Wifi : So you are ready transfer your roms and your arcade cab is in the cellar and you do not have wifi at all. Turn it off to save 15sec boot time then for non active wifi search.
      IP Address : simple tool to show ip address
      Show Retroarch Cores: Shows the currently installed retroarch cores
      Retroarch Menu : Opens graphical retroarch configuration menu.
      Edit Emulators.cfg  Change here the mapping bewteen folder names and emulators. Yes, here can change the menu item names. Rename Rom folder according to this file. Text editor nano is used. Save with CTRL+ s and CTRL + x.
      C64 Vice Menu : Opens C64 Vice Config Screen.
      Edit retroarch.config : retroarch config can be edited directly with the onboard editor nano. Save with CTRL+ s and CTRL + x.  There is one retroarch config for high res and one for low res. Find the retroarch configs in /root/.config/retroarch
      Edit advmame.rc : Advmame.rc can be edited directly with the text editor nano. Save with CTRL +s and CTRL + x. Keyboard is needed. There is one advmame.rc config for high res and one for low res. Find the advmame configs in /root/.advance
      Edit C64 Keys : pikeyd is the demon for controlling keys via pi2jamma. The config file is at /etc/pikey165.conf With this options the vice specific settings will be edited. It can be edited directly with the text editor nano. Save with CTRL +s and CTRL + x. Keyboard is needed.
      Edit Keys : pikeyd is the demon for controlling keys via pi2jamma. The config file is at /etc/pikey165.conf With this options the Key settings will be edited. It can be edited directly with the text editor nano. Save with CTRL + s and CTRL + x. Keyboard is needed.
      Lock Games: Lock mode, this mode lock the ESC key and options shortcuts from the keyboard layout. Take this option if you want to run only one game and user should not change any setting, ie cabs in your store or public.
      Unlock Games: Lock mode, this mode lock the ESC key and options shortcuts from the keyboard layout. Take this option if you want to run only one game and user should not change any setting, ie cabs in your store or public.
      Shutdown : Shutdown System
      Command Shell : opens command shell with root rights. Execute "/root/" to get again to the menu.
      Reboot : Reboots System
      Edit Regamebox Config : opens up the text editor nano with all parameters in the file regamebox.conf. Make sure you have attached a keyboard. ctrl + s followed by strl+x to save and exit.
      Generate USB Stick Folder : If you messed somehow up the automatic generation of the folder for your usb stick, then you can re-generate it here.
      Copy roms from USB To SD: if you want to use sd card only setup generate a usb stick, copy your stuff to the usb and then use this option to copy the games from usb to sd card. Yes, size is checked before.
      Show Config : All settings are shown in a list.
      Make Backup : Whole Image will be backed up. The system files without roms of your USB Stick will be backed as well. All files will be copied as image file to "/mnt/sda/backup".
      Show Log : Shows the log of regamebox.
      Export config : Stores important configurations files like keymapping, retroarch, advmame, front end lemonlauncher config to USB Stick "/mnt/sda/config". Compressed file is generated "/mnt/sda/config_pi2jamma.tgz".
      Show Version : Shows version
      Show Help : Show Help file
  Keyboard Layout
      Set German Keyboard: Set keyboard locale to german.
      Set UK Keyboard: Set keyboard locale to UK.
      Set US Keyboard: Set keyboard locale to US.
      Set FR Keyboard: Set keyboard locale to FR.
      Test Keys: Keyboard is tested. This way pi2jamma can be tested. Keyboard is needed.
      Test Gamepad : SNES USB Gamepad is tested.
options_menu.1550228168.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2019/02/15 11:56 von admin