



  • Shutdown : Shutdown System
  • Command Shell : opens command shell with root rights. Execute „/root/“ to get again to the menu.
  • Reboot : Reboots System
  • Edit Regamebox Config : opens up the text editor nano with all parameters in the file regamebox.conf. Make sure you have attached a keyboard. ctrl + s followed by strl+x to save and exit.
  • Generate USB Stick Folder : If you messed somehow up the automatic generation of the folder for your usb stick, then you can re-generate it here.
  • Copy roms from USB To SD: if you want to use sd card only setup generate a usb stick, copy your stuff to the usb and then use this option to copy the games from usb to sd card. Yes, size is checked before.
  • Show Config : All settings are shown in a list.
  • Make Backup : Whole Image will be backed up. The system files without roms of your USB Stick will be backed as well. All files will be copied as image file to „/mnt/sda/backup“.
  • Show Log : Shows the log of regamebox.
  • Export config : Stores important configurations files like keymapping, retroarch, advmame, front end lemonlauncher config to USB Stick „/mnt/sda/config“. Compressed file is generated „/mnt/sda/config_pi2jamma.tgz“.
system.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2019/02/15 12:03 von admin